
Jungle jungle baat chali hai pata chala hai


While I was asleep the other night, I got a strange feeling that my bed was being rocked. I could feel the cool breeze slamming on my face. I woke up to find that I was no longer in my bed, but in a boat on a gentle swaying sea. There was neither motor nor the oars, nothing I could use to guide the boat that was drifting aimlessly.

All of a sudden, the boat hit a shore of some strange land. There was no reason for me to stay more in that empty boat. So, I jumped ashore. Much puzzled and confused I started to walk towards the inland. As I walked a few miles, I started to realize that I was entering a thick jungle. The sweet jungle fragrance was almost cloying. Around there, there were more noises than my ears could separate. I mean from every direction came the hums and chirps of birds and the calls of mammals.

I had a machete in my hand which I had found on the boat that carried me here. So, I started to cut a pathway as I walked, machete in right and a free left hand to catch the braches. (Of course I needed this badly to find my way back!)

download (3)And there I could see Baloo and Mowgli under the branches of a magnificent native tree. Mowgli as usual was casually sitting  on Baloo’s tummy playing pranks with the mighty bear.

I proceeded towards the duo with much excitement and gaze. And to my surprise, they didn’t seem to be disturbed by my presence and adding curiosity to my situation Mowgli seemed to know me and waved hand at me!

Suddenly I began to feel a sense of ease. Everything seemed to be familiar- the jungle, Mowgli, Baloo . I couldn’t control myself from singing…..

images (14)…..My own home, My own home


My own home….

Father’s hunting in the forest

Mother’s cooking in the home

I must go fetch water

Till I’m grown

Till I’m grown…..


images (13)Where in the world I got a pot in my hand.. I don’t know!. But I had one in my hand!.  As I sang, I neared the river that passed through the jungle. I bent down to collect water and to my astonishment I looked like Shanthi (the human girl friend of Mowgli) in the clear, opaque waters. Now I knew why Mowgli waved at me!.

The dream has to have a twist now……… Me turned Shanthi , now got up with the water pot, turned towards her friend Mowgli who was now signaling her to come to him. Turning my legs towards his way, I stepped on a slippery stone in the river and fell on river with a huge ……”thud”!

“ouch!……” my back really hurts. I rubbed my sleepy eyes to see that I had actually fallen off from my bed and landed on the water jug spilling it completely!!!.( the river in my dream is getting justified here!..he.he…).

Anyways, in spite of the fall, I was happy to see my favorite Mowgli , Baloo and Shanthi (Me!) in my DreamLand Toon! And after this comic dream i couldn’t resist humming ..”Jungle jungle baat chali hai pata chala hai….”  till I dozed off again

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

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